Bredonborough The New World continues
The New World continues to present itself, even on a grey day.
11.17 Reading-editing. E-flurrying. Reflecting.
11.56 Visiting the 1974 Journals for The Road To Red scrapbook. From one point of view, these are impressively indiscreet. But, as they were not written and not intended for the eyes of others, rather, they are personal: indiscretion takes place in public.
14.35 Lunch by the back door…
… and a walk down the garden…
17.05 Across the Market Square to World HQ I…
In Study No. Six I…
… the cushion for the window seat has been covered in a conventional Colefax & Fowler fabric by Andrea Pins I…
… and now a comfortable place for e-flurrying and computing.
Returning home to meet chums John and Mark. A Back Door vibrating before leaving c. 19.30 for dinner at Eckington Manor.
22.34 Judy Gardner sets the standard in whatever field she enters. Judy’s ’s
The Restaurant At Eckington Manor is another of Judy’s triumphs. The flavours are remarkable and distinct, while the portions are sufficient for those who also like to be fed. I felt we were dining with Judy at home, her personal guests. Exceptional and highly recommended.
A fabbo evening.